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What Color Is Your Rainbow diveristy childrens bookjpeg

Life changes in your 40's and 50's.  At least it did for me, and many of my friends.  Everything from kids graduating, going off to college, maybe you become a grandparent for the first time.  Divorce or/and marriage. What we don't talk about, or dare I say, celebrate, is wanting to change careers in your 40's and 50's.  Explore new challenges, gain new skills while sharing your wealth of knowledge from your experiences in life. 

Jodi Mannes

That's what my YouTube channel and brand is all about. Recognizing that before we can follow the advice of those wiser than us; 'live your passion and never work a day in your life", as the advice goes, we first have to feel confident and believe in ourselves.


My YouTube channel is about building confidence where you are now in life. And celebrating that we're so much more than makeup, each of us. How do we teach this at a much younger age, to love ourselves, and embrace what makes us different.  It was with this question in mind I published a children's book.  The over-arching message is simple; each color of the rainbow shines brightly on it's own, yet when surrounded by all  of the other colors, the rainbow becomes something it simply couldn't on it's own.  Just like us. So ask yourself, when you look around your life, what color is your rainbow? 

Scattered Makeup
Jodi Mannes
Jodi Mannes
Jodi Mannes
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